September 2020 Updates
September 2020 Updates – News & Announcements. So each month, since the beginning of the year, I have been publishing updates. Updates about our website, blog, content, and more as well as the progress we have been making. Specifically, as it relates to refreshing and updating all of our digital marketing content.

1 year later…
However, as I have hinted at previously, this project began in earnest last year on 15 September. So roughly one year later, I am happy to say that the majority of the work is now behind us. And I am looking forward to resuming our content creation schedule soon.
Progress made since August 2020
As a result of all the work that we have accomplished, here is a brief summary of where we are going into October:
- All of the previously published 144 episodes of Charles Snyder Raw have been fully edited and updated. This includes featured images where there were none before as well as content updates to the articles and videos. But I also took away the gap in numbering the episodes.
- We have begun doing the same for all the articles and videos in My Personal Brand as well as News & Announcements. So we will be adding featured images, etc. to all content in those categories too.
- Also, in the near future, there will be several new episodes in all the above-mentioned categories. Particularly two new episodes of Charles Snyder Raw covering many of these content changes in more detail. In fact, both articles are already written and are awaiting videos. I just have to record and edit the videos, which should happen by the end of October or November of this year at the latest.
- Additionally, we are working on some back-end stuff to help provide a more seamless experience for our customers. Particularly exciting is the new secure customer dashboard for our clients to log in and manage their digital marketing accounts more easily. But more details on that are coming soon as we complete that work.
- Finally, we are also working on new articles and videos for our 1 Minute Marketing Tips, Digital Marketing Case Studies, My Personal Brand, and Train Your Brain categories. Those we will be publishing more of in the November – December timeframe of this year. But more on that later when I am back home from this long deployment to Louisiana for Hurricane Laura.
September 2020 Updates: Back to the grind
So as I stated last month in August 2020 Updates, I have been on deployment. First I was in Texas, then I got the word to move to Louisiana the following day. And as I also made the prediction, I have been extremely busy (and tired) so not a whole lot of new content has been forthcoming.
However, as I am writing this on Friday, 2 October, things are beginning to wind down here. This means in another week or possibly three, I will be heading home and then I will be getting back to grinding out new content. So it looks like as of right now, the new stuff will be coming in November.
Stay tuned and stay safe!

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