Company Culture
Company Culture
Our Company Culture is contagious! Also, it’s one of enjoying what we do and mastering our craft, digital marketing. So this page is more about how we do what we do, day in and day out.
“We want to earn your business for life.”
Charles E. Snyder III, CEO C. E. Snyder Marketing LLC
Company Culture is part of our Vivid Vision
Our Vivid Vision document is a living, evolving statement of what we do. Also, it clearly states why we do it as well as how we live it. But it is our vision of our future and the culture we are developing as we move forward.
Our Vivid Vision
However, we want you to become a part of that too. So we invite you to come along on this incredible journey with us. Because when you succeed, so do we!
Company Culture: Our Core Values
Since the beginning, our Company Culture has always been a positive one and we tolerate zero crap. But this is the code we live and work by:
- We make shit happen, not excuses
- Everything is your fault; take ownership and improve
- Learn something new every day and apply it
- We are here to serve our customers with integrity
- Treat everyone like family (that you like)
- Having fun and being positive is a requirement, not an option
- Tell the damn truth all the damn time!
- “Marketing Ninja” is synonymous for world-class – operate like it
- Speed, flexibility, and punctuality are our strengths – embrace it
- Don’t think outside the box, think ‘what damn box?’
- Be clear, be specific, be thorough and be profit producing
- Be organized, be clean, be on-time, and be drama-free
Also, our team members at C. E. Snyder Marketing LLC will conduct themselves professionally with compassion, caring, and understanding at all times. So we will keep it real, honest, easy, and to the point in a customer-friendly manner. Because that way, you can focus on what matters most to you, growing your business.
Company Culture: By the Numbers
We are located in the heart of South-Central Pennsylvania
The number of fur-babies enriching our lives – RIP Chasey
The average number of cups of coffee consumed during a week
The number of working vacations we have been on since 1999
Defenseless pizzas cannibalized weekly
The average number of Nerf guns per team member
The number of times Ann says it in one day (estimated)
The number of times Charles curses in one day (estimated)
Company Culture: Our House Rules
Since group culture is driven by the standards we live and work by, here are our ten simple House Rules:
- Always treat your fellow team members and our customers better than the way you want to be treated. So who’s your favorite “Rock Star”? First and foremost, that’s the way we treat all of our clients.
- When you’re stressed, it’s OK to shoot someone with a Nerf Gun.
- When you’re really stressed, shoot yourself with a Nerf Gun. Or we can just go out for some drinks and talk about it.
- Fridays are team lunch days – we celebrate the wins!
- When you’re angry, get it off of your chest, but in 15 minutes it’s time to have your game-face on again. So vent if you must, get it out of your system, and move on.
- When you’re going to be more than 15 minutes late for work, you must buy the team breakfast (their choice).
- You should never wear a business suit or a tie, they are forbidden. So if you like stuffy, sterile workplaces, we’re not it.
- But if you wear a suit and tie anyway, you will be subjected to a Nerf Gun firing squad of your coworkers.
- When you make a sale, you can make some noise and hit the “Like A Ninja” gong as hard as you can (as soon as we get one).
- When someone complains that you are being too loud, turn their office chair upside down while they are out for lunch.
So as you can see, we try to have fun along the way. Because let’s be honest here, happy people are contagious. Additionally, happy folks just get more done day in and day out.
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