What Are Explainer Videos?
What Are Explainer Videos – 1 Minute Marketing Tips #25. Can you, in one or two sentences, explain what you do to others? Also, can you explain it so that even a five-year-old can understand it? Even more importantly, who knows your business better than you do?
Simple but effective!
So if you are like most business owners, you have never really put that much thought into it. But now is as good as time as any to get ahead of the curve and your competition. Because having a clear and concise message that people easily understand will get you more customers.
Develop your elevator pitch
First, your elevator pitch is just one or two sentences that describe what it is that you do. But the shorter it is the more effective it will be. Also, avoid using technical jargon or big “college” words; keep it simple as you would with speaking to a child.
Second, memorize your pitch so that it becomes second nature to you. So that when you have an opportunity, you simply recite it from the heart. But even more importantly, this forms the basis of your first Explainer Video.
Last but not least, once you know your pitch by heart, record it. Also, get creative with it too, put emotion into it, and try it several different ways. Just like you can recite the Pledge of Allegiance by heart, you can do it with happiness just as well as you can with anger or frustration.
You can just as easily, with some practice, do the same with your elevator pitch. So get creative with it.
What are Explainer Videos: creating yours
Here are some pro tips you can use to make your own:
- K.I.S.S. – Keep it simple and easy to understand, but also get right to the point. People want satisfaction NOW. So state what problem you are solving, solve the problem quickly, and ask for the sale.
- Remember the 3 Cs – Be CLEAR about what it is that you are selling and want your customers to do. Be CONCISE without using a bunch of big words or jargon. And be CONFIDENT; know your shit inside and out.
- Also remember the 4 Es – People, your potential customers, use social media for entertainment. So be ENTERTAINING, be EDUCATIONAL, and be EXECUTABLE. But most important of all, be EMPOWERING.
For additional information and some great example of how Explainer Videos can help your business, check out these links:
- Digital Marketing Services: Explainer Videos
- Explainer Videos – Train Your Brain
- Introduction Video 2020
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