November 2022 Updates – News & Announcements from C E Snyder Marketing LLC. Yes, this is much later than it typically is. My apologies, it’s been an “interesting” month so far…

We hope your Turkey Day was a fantastic one!!
So here we are, mid-December and I am finally finishing this article. But not before I had a heart attack on the 12th of December and spent a week in the hospital. There wasn’t much of an opportunity to sit down in front of my computer and finish writing this until now.
But here are some of the more notable things that were accomplished in November…
LinkTrees powered by ROI Ninjas CRM

In November, we announced a new service offering, ROI Ninjas LinkTrees. Quite simply, our LinkTree replaces the sometimes single link you can post to a social media profile. So it is a quick and easy way to give your social followers access to more than one of your links.
A lot of social media only allows you to display one, maybe two web addresses. Such as Instagram, Linked In, Twitter, and others.
But what if you have a blog too? Do you have one or more landing pages for your offers? Or what about content on your other social media channels? Why not share them all?
You can with a ROI Ninjas LinkTree!
November 2022 Updates: Looking at 2023
Just from a personal stance, there are a few things I want to see progress made in, to go into the new year. But I also need to find a balance with everything else that we have going on right now. Not the least of which is ramping up our marketing efforts for the agency.
Additionally, I have been planning our next workshop in January. This workshop will be about helping you to craft your first million-dollar offer to scale your business to six figures and beyond. So this may be a multi-day workshop because there is a lot of ground to cover. But more on that later.
Also, I want to make some of these workshops available as on-demand learning. Naturally, that means making them available on the forthcoming ROI Ninjas University. But we still have a lot of work to do before it is publicly available.
So that brings me right back to making some stuff happen between now and the end of the year!
Other News
Since the beginning of November, we have been working on some other stuff that will interest you. For example, ROI Ninjas Weekly Kicks continues to reach a growing audience. Also, I am going live in the private Facebook group each week as well. In each live-streaming video, I am sharing a bit more about the most recent ROI Ninjas Weekly Kicks email.
Also, since we are starting 2023 off by pushing more ROI Ninjas CRM accounts, there are a few new additions coming. But I will cover that more in the year-end/December 2022 Updates, coming in a couple more weeks. However, I believe it will be of interest to not only our customers but also to our coaching and consulting customers too.

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