Domain-Based Business Email – 1 Minute Marketing Tips #3. Since we covered Email Signatures in the last episode, for this installment it makes sense to talk about having a business email account. But not the typical method of adding your business name to an AOL, Gmail, or Yahoo account. For example, we use several email accounts that all use the same domain name as our website; ****

Look, if you are anything like most businesses, you get bombarded by emails every single day. Our agency is no different, we get a bunch of messages from so-called “professionals” with Hotmail email accounts. So if it isn’t that, it’s Yahoo, Gmail, or AOL. Who the hell even uses AOL anymore?
But the point is, do you want to look like you’re a professional or like you’re cheap and/or an amateur? Most choose to be and look professional. So if you’re like them, you’ll definitely want to pay attention to this.
Think about the image of your business
First of all and on a personal note, I feel the worst part is that they want my money for services like web design, SEO, or marketing. But they don’t care enough about their own public image yet they want me to pay them and trust them with mine. That ain’t happening in this lifetime!
So you don’t want to make the same mistake with your business and your marketing outreach. Because what message are you sending to your potential customers when they see your email came from a common free account?
Put yourself in the shoes of your customers; do you think it’s shady when someone emails you about giving them money for something? Maybe somewhat scammy? When you’re communicating with your potential customers, make sure you are sending the right message. Get yourself a Domain-Based Business Email address.
Domain-Based Business Email: a brief summary
There is no excuse NOT to have one in 2018 and beyond. Because they are so cheap to get and very easy to set up. So if you don’t have one, get one and project a more professional image to your customers.
Here’s another consideration; most website hosting providers allow you to have at least one domain-based email account. Usually several. If not, you can always change web hosts or just get yourself one through GoDaddy, etc. Since it only takes just a few seconds to set up a business email account. What are you waiting for?
Last but not least, check out our Digital Marketing Services and ROI Ninjas.
1 Minute Marketing Tips – one minute, one tip, one thing you can do today to improve your marketing!

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