Creating Great Blog Content – 1 Minute Marketing Tips #7. One of the top questions we are seeing most often deals with coming up with ideas for blog articles. In fact, I am venturing to say that it’s probably one of the most frustrating chores for most business bloggers. But it doesn’t have to be that much of a chore.

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However, blogging about your business is necessary and it helps to drive more traffic to your website. Also, businesses that blog at least four times a month can see as much as 400% more traffic than websites that do not blog or only on occasion. Additionally, business blogs with 16 or more new articles a month can see nearly 3.5X more traffic than businesses that blog less per month.
So what can you blog about to start or even after you’ve been blogging for a while?
3 Powerful tips to get blogging (or blog more)
Since you have unique experiences, start blogging about that as it relates to your business, brand, or offers. Even if you are not an expert in your field, nothing says that you cannot become one. You could even blog about the process of learning more about your chosen field. Also, blogging often has the added benefit of bringing search engine spiders back to your website more frequently.
- First, you need to be blogging about what you know. What you intimately know about. So in other words, what skills and knowledge or expertise do you have, that most people don’t? And are you are able to go three or four layers deep on your subject matter? If you can, that’s what you need to blog about.
- Secondly, you should be blogging about the questions your customers and audience have. So even if you don’t have an audience, find them by joining discussion groups and answering questions. Pick out the questions that you see most often or have the strongest negative emotions attached and answer them.
- Last but far from least, make sure you are business blogging at least 16 times a month. As was covered in Business Blogging Facts – 1 Minute Marketing Tip #6, an active blog gets more pages indexed and traffic. Therefore it is extremely critical that you come up with ideas for your business blog and publish them often.
Creating Great Blog Content: more options for more ideas
Creating Great Blog Content doesn’t always have to be an agonizing chore. Another approach to getting ideas for great content is soliciting questions from your audience. Ask everyone what their greatest pain or fear is as it relates to your business and industry – and then answer them!
Another option is to create a content creation calendar. Break your subject matter expertise down into bite-sized chunks and blog about it. Explain it as you would to a 5-year-old (that you like).
Last but not least, be sure to check out our Digital Marketing Services and ROI Ninjas.
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Creating Great Blog Content: additional resources
Some additional and more detailed information about business blogging may be found here:

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