Branding Inspiration
Branding Inspiration – My Personal Brand #3. Since I’ve been discussing a lot about personal branding, I would like to share more related thoughts. Specifically, some observations I’ve made and hopefully, it will help to inspire you too. That is, after all, part of the reason I am doing this.
To win, you have to begin!
So this time around, I want to talk about doing. Since people make excuses for everything under the sun, let’s look past that. For example, I hear some say that it’s not the right time or they don’t have enough money. But the truth is that for all of us, it’s not the right time, there’s never enough money and a thousand other excuses.
Wanting and having are not the same
I want a million dollars, I want a fancy car and I want a huge house. Don’t you? It’s probably safe to say that most people want those kinds of things. But the problem is that wanting something doesn’t mean you’re going to have it any time soon.
First, the reality is that the greatest distance in the known universe is that between your dreams and the real world. So many people want so many things, but the harsh truth is that very few of them are willing to work for it. As in doing whatever it takes to have that money, the car or the house.
As a result, very few dreams become a reality. Case in point, look at how many freaking weight loss programs there are. Society, in general, fails to take personal responsibility for its lack of everything. Money, cars, houses, education, success, and morality to name just a few.
Inspiration and motivation
I claimed at the very beginning of this series that I am inspirational and motivational. So maybe some of you are feeling a little less than both after the past few paragraphs. But I will say this, I’m not here to sugarcoat things for you, I’m going to keep it real.
So here is some more inspiration and motivation that will resonate with some of you. You have to begin, in order to win. If you do nothing, how can your dreams ever become reality?
Here’s one of my favorite quotes from the movie, Spaceballs.
“Why are you always preparing? Just go!”
Lord Helmet
Are you ready to DO something now? I am, let’s go!
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