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May 2021 Updates

May 2021 Updates - News & Announcements from C. E. Snyder Marketing LLC

May 2021 Updates - News & Announcements from C. E. Snyder Marketing LLC

The month of May is now history and things will always change. But the past month has also been very good for us and productive as well. So let’s dive right into our May 2021 Updates.

May 2021 Updates - News & Announcements from C. E. Snyder Marketing LLC

Focus is the key

So one of the biggest things that we continue to work on is cleaning up our older website content. Also, we are working on better-optimized images and graphics so everything loads fast. Again, there are several reasons for this, not the least of which is for the benefit of our followers and our SEO.

However, that is not our main focus, as we reveal in January 2021 Updates. Because this year we are focusing like a laser on promoting our services and getting more customers. Particularly we are focusing on our flagship software and service platform, ROI Ninjas.

We’ve made great progress

Here’s some of the major highlights from this past month:

May 2021 Updates: making stuff happen!

There are still some things that we are mulling over moving forward. But our focus is still the same, beta-testing ROI Ninjas ASAP. So much of the work and content in June will be of course on that topic.

Also, that means that we need to finish up creating all of the associated content, funnels, ads, etc. Much of which has already been done in May. But there’s still a lot of work to do on the finishing touches.

Last but not least, we are also beginning to work on an exclusive, members-only area of ROI Ninjas. But more on that maybe next month as we finish up. Be sure to check back soon!

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