Geneius of the Year 2022 – News & Announcements. I briefly mentioned this in May 2022 Updates.

At the end of 2021, I enrolled in the Certified Advertising Geneius program by Billy Gene Is Marketing LLC. I felt a mixed bag of emotions, but after talking to several people I have known for a long time, I made up my mind that now was the time! So I pushed my fears and anxiety aside and took the plunge.

WOW, I was speechless!!
Classes began in mid-January 2022 and I had no idea what to expect other than it would be 16 weeks long. I was anxious, I was excited, and I was also questioning whether I had the chops to graduate. But I have been following Billy and his team for at least 7 years or so, I knew they would support me.
I had to get serious and do the work
The first few weeks I felt were a cakewalk. I was joking around a lot and not taking the assignments seriously. But after others were named students of the week, I began to rethink my attitude.
I was thinking, wait a minute, I’ve been around marketing and advertising much longer than most folks in my class. However, they were making a sincere effort while I was busy goofing around and being a joker. So for week 5, I decided that I would put forth my best work ever and focus as much as possible on my business.
Week 5 turned out to be the first time I was named “Student of the Week!” The second time was for Week 13. But I pulled out all of the stops for the final assignment for Week 16.
Geneius of the Year 2022: I had help!
First and foremost, I would not be where I am today had it not been for Billy and his team. They are a class act and they sincerely want you to succeed. But they can only show you the way, you still have to do the work.
Secondly, I was assigned to a group of like-minded professionals that turned out to be the dominating group of our class. These guys (and gal) all turned out some incredibly amazing work, that made me keep stepping up my game. Yes, we were competing, but we were also doing so while helping and encouraging each other along the way.
Last but far from least, I had ample opportunities to interact with other students in the same class. We had students from previous classes also helping to coach our class. So there were way more opportunities to get feedback, ask questions, and brainstorm ideas. Because it all inspired me!
Geneius of the Year 2022: My greatest takeaways
So there were several times, during this course that I had a few “ah-ha” moments. Also, there were a few times when little gaps were getting filled in. For example, using similar frameworks for developing ad copy as well as the copy on landing pages.
Another major aspect of this entire experience is developing a lot more clarity with my business, branding, and messaging. Because without clarity you can never craft effective content, ads, or marketing. So this alone, at least for me, was worth the price of admission!
Additionally, I had no idea at the time, but the purpose of those assignments was also to build up our portfolios. Which made me extremely happy. Because early on, I made up my mind that I would do everything I possibly could to promote my business and services.
Practical application
Just a few examples include revising our entire system of funnels for the following:
Also, as one of the assignments, I completely revived an old website of mine, with a whole new look. But it also serves an entirely new purpose. It promotes our main combination service offerings, ROI Ninjas CRM and Lead Generation. Because the two go hand-in-hand.

However, that’s not all that there is. Because we created dozens of landing pages, ads, email sequences, and so much more. Plus, we also crafted complete campaigns for Facebook and Instagram too. But I went a step further, creating additional content and ads for Google and YouTube as well.
Geneius of the Year 2022: Because I help others
Memorial Day, I was just arriving at my parents’ for a cookout with family when Billy Gene Shaw himself called me. He told me that they chose me as Student of the Year 2022 because of all of the amazing work and the way I was always helping other students during the entire course. But initially, I thought it was one of the guys from class messing with me.
However, the longer Billy talked, the more I realized it was Billy that called. I was speechless. There were so many talented folks in our class, I was not expecting it. So all I could think to say was ‘Thank you!’
But the thing that stuck with me from that conversation was that Billy told me the deciding factor was all of the people that I helped. This is true because I offered help as often as I could. Even going so far as to unofficially coach several people that were also there and able to graduate.
Top 1% of Marketers in the world!
Damon John, Ed Mylett, and Dean Graziosi all spoke at our graduation on 2 June. Of course, Billy Gene Shaw III spoke as did Dave Woodward, and I even took to the stage for a few minutes. But the one thing that stuck with me, that was a common theme with the speakers, was that we the graduates were now elite status.
So it hit home for me when Ed Mylett said it best. We are now part of the top 1% of all marketers all around the world. Again I found this was shocking for me at first because I simply do not think of myself in that way. But I also realize that his words carry a lot of weight and he spoke the truth.
Geneius of the Year 2022: Certified Advertising Geneius summary
Overall, my impression of the program and the certification is that it was worth every penny! I enjoyed the class, I particularly enjoyed the groups, and it was time well spent. So if I had to do it all over again, I would do it in a heartbeat!
Yes, it was 16 weeks. Yes, it was a lot of work. But before the program was over, I had made my money back and then some! In other words, it was an investment in myself and my business that paid me back, five times over. And I’m only just getting started!

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