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BLM Construction & Remodeling LLC

Marketing Case Studies by C. E. Snyder Marketing LLC - 001 BLM Construction and Remodeling LLC

Marketing Case Studies by C. E. Snyder Marketing LLC - 001 BLM Construction and Remodeling LLC

BLM Construction & Remodeling LLC

BLM Construction & Remodeling LLCMarketing Case Studies 001. Since this is my first case study, I am reviewing a local business. I found out about them from a mutual contact, that gave me the referral. So here is what I found as soon as I started doing a little research into their business.

BLM Construction & Remodeling LLC - Marketing Case Studies 001 by C. E. Snyder Marketing LLC

Some easy wins for you!

First, let me just say that Barry and Heidi’s business presence is a good start. They have a website and they have a Facebook business page with some followers. Even better yet, they have even provided before and after photos of their projects, which demonstrates their craft. Major kudos!

You’re off to a good start, but…

So let’s face it, even when we have a good start, there’s always something we can be doing better. Since the same is true for this company, here are a few recommendations that really stood out. Here are three major ones that won’t necessarily cost you any money to fix:

Major hurdles to you making more sales…

Some recommended articles & videos

Recommended services for BLM Construction & Remodeling LLC

Marketing Ninja Weekly Kicks Club, a little bit of AWESOME in your inbox!
Marketing Ninja Weekly Kicks Club, a little bit of AWESOME in your inbox!
BLM Construction & Remodeling LLC - Marketing Case Studies 001
BLM Construction & Remodeling LLCMarketing Case Studies 001
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